Accessing, adding items to, and deleting items from a dictionary are all simple operations, and dictionaries can be easily incorporated into compound statements like an if statement or a for loop. 访问、添加和删除dictionary中的元素都很简单,而且dictionary很容易用于复合语句,比如if语句或for循环。
Note: All other types of alter operations can be executed directly against a replication table using a SQL ALTER statement. 注意:通过使用SQLalter语句,可以直接对复制表执行所有其他类型的alter操作。
Improved reverse engineering and round trip operations better handle the following code statement 改进的逆向工程及环形路线操作更好地处理以下的代码声明
A Data Web Service can contain one or more operations where each is based on a single stored procedure call or SQL statement. 每个DataWebService可以包含一个或多个操作,每个操作都是基于一个存储过程调用或一条SQL语句。
For example, batch applications that must execute many update operations serially are often better off executing SQL statement in sequence without all the extra object hydration. 例如,必须连续执行多个更新操作的批处理应用程序通常能够更好地依次执行SQL语句,而无需所有额外的对象交互。
This means you can perform all operations ( such as compressing data, moving rows to the front of the partition, and truncating free space from the end of the partition) with a single SQL statement or with multiple separate statements. 这意味着可以用一个SQL语句或多个单独的语句执行所有操作(比如压缩数据、将行转移到分区的前部,并释放分区末尾的空闲空间)。
Despite this, the airline's operations are very much business as usual, CEO Christoph Mueller said in a statement. CEO克里斯多夫路米勒在陈述中说,呈然在裁员,航空公司的正常运作一如平常。
Shared Locks: Used for operations that do not change or update data ( read-only operations), such as a SELECT statement. 共享锁:用于不更改或不更新数据的操作(只读操作),比如SELECT语句。
All read operations view row versions that were committed at the time a statement started. 所有读操作都将查看语句启动时已提交的行版本。
Alternative titles for the Income Statement include Earnings Statement, Statement of Operations, and Profit and Loss Statement. 收入表的其他名称有收益计算书、经营表、损益表。
"Since the third quarter of last year, high energy consuming and high emission industries have grown rapidly, and some closed production facilities have resumed operations," the statement said. “自去年第三季度,高耗能,高排放行业增长迅速,一些封闭的生产设施已恢复运作。”声明说。
They can restart the operations if they get government approval in line with legal requirements, the statement added. 声明中也提出,若这些公司通过政府审批符合要求,则可重新开始运行游戏。
Read operations using row versioning retrieve the last version of each row that had been committed when the transaction or statement started. 使用行版本控制的读操作将检索每一行在事务或语句启动时已提交的最后一个版本。
Used for read operations that do not change or update data, such as a select statement. 用于不更改或不更新数据的读取操作,如select语句。
After analyze and study of operations, study of SSH web application develop model, the paper designs the web electronic statement system. 通过对业务的研究和分析以及对Web应用开发模型&SSH模型的研究,设计了Web应用电子帐票系统。
Our study demonstrated that the sustainability of government activities impacted on the economy and fiscal policy by the government operations table, other economic flow statement, balance sheet and cash sources and use table. 论证了通过政府运营表、其他经济流量表、资产负债表和现金来源与使用表评估政府活动对经济的影响和财政政策的可持续性。
But there are still many illegal operations during the course of information disclosing, such as the false statement, concealing the true information, abusing the information, controlling financial market and deceiving the customers. All of these badly disturb order of the securities market. 但是上市公司在信息披露中仍存在不少违规行为,如虚假陈述、隐匿真实信息或滥用信息、操纵市场、欺诈投资者等,严重干扰了证券市场的安定和有序。